For only from the ashes of who we were,
can we rise up to become who we're to be

What is Counselling? image

Life can bring up challenges and sometimes stressful situations, thoughts and feelings may stop us from doing things we enjoy. We may be feeling anxious, depressed or overwhelmed and want to change that but do not know how to.

The therapeutic relationship is unique, different to the ones we have with friends and family. It is a space where you can explore difficult and important feelings safely, with someone who is trained to help you make sense of these issues. My approach is integrative, which means I will work alongside you in the way that suits you and your needs.

Counselling provides an opportunity, through exploration of your feelings, to pick apart and address the life experiences they might relate to, such as trauma, difficult family dynamics, abandonment and loss.

Counselling is a safe and confidential environment that offers you freedom to explore whatever you need to without the burden of being judged or told what you should do. It can be the one place where you feel able to explore your own feelings, begin to understand what you want from your life and become the person you want to be.
Hi, my name is Tracy Harvey.

I am a member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy) and have a strong commitment to working ethically and safely, within the guidelines and parameters set out from the Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling & Psychotherapy.

I receive regular clinical supervision, ensuring ethical and safe practice is maintained.

I work with couples and individuals and offer an initial meeting, free of charge, of 20 minutes. This gives you an idea of what a counselling session is like and the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, before starting counselling, without obligation.

I work as an integrative therapist, which means my way of working incorporates humanistic and psychodynamic approaches, cognitive behaviour therapy and, where appropriate, other more creative therapies that may better suit you as an individual.

I am compassionate, respectful and genuine and will always work with your wellbeing at the heart of our relationship. You will always be in control of your sessions and will set the pace and depth that best suits your needs in that moment.

About me image

Online Sessions

Online session using a secure platform.

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Face-to-Face sessions in Stoke Hammond with free parking.

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Telephone sessions from the comfort of your own home.

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Certificate in working with Couples 
Infant Loss Training & Subsequent Pregnancy Support
Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
Introductory Transactional Analysis 101 course
Certificate in Adoption Support Counselling
Level 5 Diploma in Psychodynamic Counselling (CPCAB)
BACP Certificate of Proficiency (2020)
Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling (CPCAB)
Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies (CPCAB)
Level 2 in Counselling Skills (CPCAB)
Level 1 in Counselling Skills (CPCAB)

I regularly complete further developmental courses to ensure I keep myself up to date within the profession.

I have a special interest in trauma-based experiences that affect our current quality of life. My clients have included survivors of childhood abuses and neglect, those recovering from traumatic losses, invasive thoughts, anxiety and depression. I have spent time working with charities and organisations specialising in supporting survivors of, and those impacted by, sexual abuse and rape. I have supported people with bereavement counselling for the loss of both people and animals. I recognise just how devastating it is to lose a loved one and the bond between pet and owner is just as unique and not one to be dismissed.

Qualifications & Experience image

All sessions are for 50 minutes whether face-to-face, by telephone or online.

Sessions are charged at £60

I offer a limited number of sessions at a reduced cost, subject to availability.


The first session is 90 minutes, then subsequent sessions are 60 minutes whether face-to-face or online.

Sessions are charged at £90

I offer an initial meeting, free of charge, of 20 minutes for both couples and individuals. This gives you an idea of what a counselling session is like and the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, before starting counselling, without obligation.

This privacy policy governs the manner in which Phoenix Therapy Services uses, maintains and discloses information collected from clients using website privacy policy applies to the site and all products and services offered by Phoenix Therapy Services online, by telephone or within private practice.

I collect and hold some sensitive information from clients in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, filling in online forms, completing consultation documents, voice messages and note taking during telephone calls and therapy sessions. 

I will collect personal identification information from clients only if they voluntarily submit such information to me. Clients can always refuse to supply personal identification information, though this may prevent them from fully benefitting from my services.

What information do I collect?

I collect names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, ages (including date of birth) and current GP details. Any other information collected is considered confidential, including note-taking, and is stored away from any identification details.

Why do I need it?

I need to store your details in order to provide you with the service you have requested and to comply with any legal or professional body responsibilities that ensue in the delivery of that service. 

How I use collected information

Predominately I use this information to make contact with you. I also use the information to make assessments and record clinical notes. If applicable, I would use the information provided to contact relevant external individuals like your GP or emergency contact.

How I protect your information

This data is stored safely in compliance with GDPR and with the appropriate security safeguards set out by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). This includes physical, administrative and electronic security measures.

All personal information is coded to prevent any means of identifying client details to notes or recorded sessions. Your data is kept confidential and secure in a locked filing cabinet at my home and/or on a password protected PC or phone, in accordance with GDPR.

Sharing your personal information and confidentiality

Personal information will not be used or disclosed other than for purposes for which it is collected, except with the consent of the individual or as required by law. I have a duty to break confidentiality if there is the risk of harm to self and/or to others. I am also bound by law to disclose if you were to share anything around money laundering, terrorism, child protection or drug trafficking or If I were to receive a court order. 

I receive clinical supervision which means I speak to a supervisor about my work. This is to ensure that I am working ethically and professionally at all times. The work is anonymised to ensure that there is never any details that can be traced back to my clients.

I have a clinical will, which is held by my Supervisor, meaning if anything were to happen to myself. My supervisor would contact you and advise you of the situation.

I will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfilment of these purposes and in line with BACP requirements and my insurance company.

 I do not trade information to third parties in any way whatsoever. Everything said within the context of therapy is considered confidential.

At any point, you have a right to make a written request for the details of personal information that I hold about you. You can simply email me and I will be happy to share the records that I have for you.

Right to Rectification - If you believe that any information I am holding on you is incorrect, incomplete or needs updating, please email me with details and I will promptly make the right changes. I will always show you any report or letter I write to a third party (GP) before I send it, and invite you to rectify it as you see fit.

Right to lodge formal complaint - If you believe that your rights under the GDPR regulation have been infringed, or that the processing of personal data relating to you does not comply with lawful regulation, visit the Information Commissioners Office  to find out how such matters can be dealt with on your behalf. Their helpline is 0303 123 1113.

Third party websites

Clients may find content on my website that links to the sites of other third parties. I do not control these sites which have a link to mine and I am not responsible for how they collect, store or use information.

Changes to this privacy policy

I have the right to update this privacy policy at any time. If I do, I will revise the date at the bottom of this section and provide a new copy for current clients. I encourage all clients to check this document for any changes, to stay informed about how I am helping to protect the personal information I collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your acceptance of these terms 

I will ask you to sign a copy of my privacy statement before we begin working together and will provide you with a copy for your own records as well.

Contacting me

If you have any questions about this privacy policy you may contact me by email at or by telephone on 07443 768332.

December 2020.

Alternate Therapies